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LearnerWeb Enterprise Learner Help

Introduction to LearnerWeb Enterprise

LearnerWeb Enterprise is a special learning management software program that centralizes the delivery of learning experiences for you and our organization. From a simple, easy to understand list on the left side of the screen, you can quickly review My History, My Training Recommendations and enroll into instructor-led and online courses as well as apply for Tuition Reimbursement. For online training, LearnerWeb Enterprise is the springboard that can take you directly into an enrolled course where you can take the training at your own pace.

My Training Recommendations - My Training Recommendations link will list those courses that have been assigned to you. This is a list of training recommendations that are based on your current job function. This list will tell you what you have taken and still need to take to satisfy the recommendations. You can select the Enroll link to self-enroll into those courses you have not taken or the Review link for on-line courses that you have completed. The enrollment and review options are the same as in the Courses tab. See the Courses section for more information. If there is no action link available, this means a manager must enroll you into the course.

My History - This will list all of your training history records. The only action available for this tab is the Detail action, which displays more information about the training history record.

Course Catalog - This link lists all of the courses currently in the training library, divided into course catalogs, which groups like courses together. If you are looking for a safety course, check out the Safety Course Catalog. If you are looking for a sales course, check out the Sales Course Catalog. If the course supports user enrollment and you have met any prerequisites, you can self-enroll for a selected course by selecting the Enroll action. If the course needs a minumum number of enrollments before the course can be scheduled, you will see a Request link. Clicking the Request link will send information to the appropriate people who will schedule this course to take place once enough people have requested this course. If the course is available on-line, selecting the Enroll action immediately enrolls you into the course. If the course is instructor-led, you select which date for the course you want to enroll. After completing an on-line course, the Start link is replaced with a Review link to review any completed lessons without having to re-enroll into the training (or affecting your passing scores). If there is no action available, this means a manager must enroll you into the course. Some courses may have a Resource action link. These courses are not recorded as training, but give you a convenient link to jump directly to the learning resource.

Tuition Reimbursement - Selecting this link will give you the ability to submit a tuition reimbursement application and view the most recent tuition reimbursement policy. Please fill out one form for each course you are submitting for tuition reimbursement. Once you save this form, it will be electronically routed to your manager and your regional HR manager for approval. It is best to submit you tuition reimbursement application four weeks prior to the start of the course in order to obtain the proper approvals.

Calendar - From the Calendar link, you have a list of upcoming scheduled events or instructor-led courses. You can learn more information about the event and course by selecting the course title link. This will provide such information as the location, who is teaching the course, any costs and the number of available seats or number of people on a waitlist. If the event allows for self-enrollment and the class still has open enrollment, the Enroll link will allow you to self-enroll. If there is no action, this means a manager must enroll you into the course, the enrollment period is outside of the current date or the class is full. The status column will inform you of class size and available seats/waitlist. See the How to Enroll section for more information about waitlists.

Forgot My Password

If you have forgotten your password, please click the Forgot Your Password link, enter your email address and your password will be emailed to you.

Understanding "Links" in LearnerWeb Enterprise

When you select a link, all records related to that link will display. Where useful, links on a record are provided, which will lead to additional information. For example, clicking on a course title link will display more information about the course.

On the right side of any view, there is an ACTION column. Action links allow you to take an action on a record. In the Course Catalog and My Training Recommendations links, a typical action will be "Enroll", to enroll into a course. Upon completing a course, the Enroll link is replaced with a Review link to review any completed online courses.

Understanding Cookie Crumbs in LearnerWeb Enterprise

This is an important design feature of LearnerWeb Enterprise. As you navigate deeper into link, the links may be hidden behind a screen that provides course detail or enrollment selection information. In the top section of the page and to the right of the company logo (sometimes below logo), your current navigation path is displayed. The paths are links and are called cookie crumbs because you can back track in your path by selecting the desired link. Using the Back button on the internet browswer window will also allow you to go back to the previous screen.

How to Get More (Detail) Information About a Course

In all links, there is a column for the Course title. Click on the course title to display additional information about the course.

How to Enroll Into a Course

To enroll into a course, you must first be logged into LearnerWeb Enterprise.

You can enroll by selecting the Course Catalog or My Training Recommendations.

Locate the desired course, and click the Enroll link to the far right of the course title.

If the course is online training, LearnerWeb Enterprise will automatically enroll you into the Course and prompt you to go directly to the My Training Recommendations where you can begin the course immediately.

If the course is instructor-led training, LearnerWeb Enterprise will list all the different dates available for this course. The Calendar link will list all of the upcoming events for the selected course. To enroll, select the Enroll action or button for the desired event and confirm your selection.

If the instructor-led training has no open seats available, your enrollment status will be placed into a waitlist (if the event allows waitlists and the event is not at the maximum waitlist count). You can tell if the event has a waitlist if the available seats displays as a negative number. LearnerWeb Enterprise has built-in waitlist management and you will automatically be enrolled if a seat in the instructor-led training becomes available based on your position in the waitlist.

In some cases, selecting an enroll link may not allow you to enroll. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. The course has not been assigned to you or does not allow open enrollment.
  2. You have not completed prerequisite courses that are required before you can enroll in the course.
  3. You are already enrolled into the course.
  4. There are no events scheduled that have open enrollment or there are no available seats for the class.

How to Start an Online Course

For an online course, once you have successfully enrolled, you can take the course immediately at your browser. (Not all courses will launch as described here and may go directly to a new browser window. The overall operational concept is the same.)

To take a course, you must first be logged into LearnerWeb Enterprise.

Click the My Training Recommendations link to list the courses in which you are currently enrolled.

Once you have located the course you want to start, click the Start link to the right of the course title. This will display a new browser window showing the different course elements. Select the desired element to Launch/Start the lesson. (If the course elements do not display, a new browser window will bring you directly into the course. Click the Return to LearnerWeb button to close your browser window.)

To start the course element, click the Start link for the course. This will display a small browser window momentarily and open a new browser window that will load the course. Do not close this small window as it is the window that brings the course to your computer. If the course does not load, check to make sure you have any needed plug-ins (helper applications needed to take the training) or other software needed to launch the course. The course elements window will usually list any additional software needed to take the training.

Upon completion or exiting of the course element, LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager will receive back any progress data the course has been programmed to communicate.

Courses may have an assessment requirement where you must pass with a minimum score to complete the training. Usually this is set at 80%, but may be different for each course.

How Auto E-Mail Notification Works

LearnerWeb Enterprise has a built-in email broadcast capability that will automatically notify you when you self-enroll or cancel out of a training course. If the training requires the approval of a manager, LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager will automatically notify the manager of the request. As they approve the request, you are automatically notified of their decision via email. You must have a valid home email address for yourself on the My Profile link. The trainers can broadcast emails about upcoming events to keep you informed of any details.

How Authorization into Training Works

In a previous section, it was explained that you could enroll into training from the Course Catalog link and the My Training Recommendations link. In some cases, your manager may want to authorize the training. You can still self-enroll, but when authorization is "on" for the course or event, they must approve the enrollment request. You will be notified immediately upon enrollment that additional approval is needed. Throughout the approval process you will receive emails notifying you of an authorizer's decision and your enrollment status.

How to Cancel an Enrollment from a Course

To cancel from a course, select the My Training Recommendations link and for the desired course click the Cancel link.

This will display a form asking for a reason. Enter a reason under 100 characters such as Sick, Schedule Conflict, Dog ate my homework….

Canceling from a course becomes part of your history record. At the discretion of your manager, they can determine if the cancelled record should be purged or not. In addition, if the cancellation is from a scheduled event that required your manager to approve the training, they will be notified of the cancellation and only your manager can re-enroll you into the training. If open enrollment, you can cancel and re-enroll as needed.

How to Get to the LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager

If you have been designated as a manager, you will have additional links on the left side of the screen under the heading Manager Menu. If you do not see these links, then your account profile does not give you access to this module.

Can You Share your Logon Account?

You should never share your Login ID and Password with anyone. When accessing LearnerWeb Enterprise, these are your records. If you share your Login ID and Password, and someone completes or fails a course, this becomes part of your permanent record. In addition, LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager captures the address of the machine accessing the system and stamps the date and time of that session. This is a security measure to audit and track unauthorized system access. LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager administrator can change or lock an account where abuse or account theft is evident.

Can I Access LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager from Other Workstations?

You can access LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager from any computer connected to the internet. You cannot log into LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager from a different workstation when you are already logged on at another workstation. You must log out of LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager from the first workstation or wait for the session in the first workstation to expire.

How to Exit LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager

To exit LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager, you should click the Log Out link on the left side of the screen. It is ok to exit the browser by clicking the X button, but this can deny you access to LearnerWeb Enterprise Manager if you attempt to login from a different workstation and the system thinks your session from the original workstation is still active. Clicking the Log Out link is the only way to terminate the session.

Additional Support

If you experience technical difficulties or have additional questions, please contact the training department or the help desk Thank you.

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